What's happening now

Men's Bible Study

Join the guys on Saturdays at 3:00 PM at one of the guy's homes. Ask Pastor or Nick for details and directions.

Women's Bible Study

The women's group meets on Thursdays at the church. Ask Rose for more details.


Adult Bible Study

On Sunday mornings at 9:15 is a great Bible study open to all adults.

Small Groups

There are multiple small groups that meet at different times. Ask Pastor or Nick for more details.

No Sale Garage Sale

RESCHEDULED TO Saturday, January 25, 2025

Donate your surplus items so we can invite low income folks to take them for free.  If you are bringing items to donate, please arrive at 8am to set up.

CHildren's ministry


During the first half of Sunday morning services, families worship God together.

During the sermon, children from birth through 3rd grade have Bible lessons for their ages specifically.


Calling 3rd graders and up! In the M&M Detective Agency, you'll learn how to study the Bible and see the many wonderful treasures it has.

Every Sunday from 9:30-10:15 AM.


The children's program Awana is a great time where elementary age children get to learn Bible lessons, memorize Bible verses, and play exciting games.

It runs on Wednesdays from Sept - April from 6:30-8:00 PM.

Youth Group

6th through 12th graders have Youth Group on Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:30 PM.

They'll have a great time building friendships, playing games, and hearing about how much God loves them. 

We also have special activities planned each month.  Let us know if you have more questions or need more information.